Piano Duo Tian
Yang Tian
·Was born in China into a family of musicians, and her first piano teacherwas her father. subsequently she studied piano with Chinese pianist Jin Shi at Shenyang Conservatory of Music in China. After she went to Germany to study piano with ManfredFock until she obtained her highest degree. She has held concerts in Hamburg, Lubeck, Kiel, Flensburg Germany, Paris France, and Rome Italy and China. During her study in Germany, she performed 20 pieces of VINGT REGARDS SUR L’ENFANT - JESUS by Olivier Messian in the concert and won highpraise. She is the winner of 15 international piano competitions in Germany, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, China .
·Now, as a piano concert teacher, her students have also won many international piano awards and been admitted to music universities in China and other countries.
Became a judge for the WAAIMC International Music Competition in 2023.
·In 2020, she joined the WOMCO, Ac-Melos, and EAFF music organizations, and in 2021, she founded a personal piano music brand in China -Wei Ao Music. In 2022,Yang Tian and her younger sister Nan Tian have jointly established Piano Duo Music group and are active on stage.
Nan Tian
·Was born in China into a family of musicians, and her first piano
·teacher was her father. After she went to Germany to study piano with Elena
·Sukmanovauntilsheobtainedherhighestdegree.Shehasgivenmanyconcerts. she is the winner of multiple international competition. Now,she as a piano concert teacher, her students have also won many international piano awards .
·In 2020, she joined the WOMCO, Ac-Melos, and EAFF music organizations.
·In 2021, she and her sister Yang Tian founded a personal piano music brand in China -Wei Ao Music and in 2022,they have jointly established Piano Duo Music group and are active on stage.
In 2023, Tian Piano Duo released his first piano duet CD
Nan Tian
Became a judge for the WAAIMC International Music Competition in 2023.
Invited to join Melos International Classical Music Cultural Association and European EAFF Cultural Association in 2022.
During her study abroad in Europe, Tian Nan has won multiple international piano awards, including piano solo, piano duet, and piano trio——
In 2023, won first prize at the German International Piano Competition and received 2600 euros.
In 2022, won the Gold Award in the Master Group at the Paris Artists Grand Prix in France.
Received first prize at the Provence International Piano Competition in Spain in 2022.
Received first prize in the Bologna International Piano Artists Competition in Italy in 2021.
In 2020, won the first prize in the piano concerto group at the Rome International Music Festival in Italy.
In 2020, won the first prize in the double piano master group at the Norwegian Winter International Piano Competition.
In 2019, won the first prize for the piano trio at the Nordic International Musicians Competition in Denmark.
In 2017, he won the first prize for piano at the Dresden International Art Festival in Germany.
In 2021, won the Silver Award in the Piano Solo Master Group at the Moscow International Music Competition in Russia.
In 2021, won the second prize at the Schumann International Piano Competition in Dusseldorf, Germany.
In 2019, won the second prize for piano trio at the Swedish International Classical Chamber Music Competition.
In 2018, won the second prize in the Piano Professional Group at the Vienna Spring Voice International Music Competition in Austria.
Received second prize in piano duet at the 2018 German International Music Voice Competition
Received the second prize for piano and chamber music at the International Four Seasons Classical Music Competition in Vienna, Austria in 2024 (the first prize is vacant)
Concert to be held on May 26, 2024 at the Bessendorf Hall in Vienna
Yang Tian
In 2023, he won the first prize with full marks in the piano duet group of the Bach International Music Competition, the Lifetime Music Achievement Award, and the album CD record.
In 2022, won the second prize at the Prose International Piano Competition in Italy, with 6000 euros and 3 concerts.
In 2019, he won the Gold Award in the Piano Masters category at the Paris Artists Grand Prix in France and the London Artists Grand Prix in the UK.
In 2018, my solo performance was included in On Stage International Classical Music in Italy.
The Piano Masters Group Gold Award was awarded at the 6th International Music Competition in Driston, Germany in 2021. This competition was jointly organized by UNESCO and the government of Driston, Germany.
In 2020, he won the Silver Award for Piano Soloist Masters at the Moscow Music Fantasy International Competition, jointly organized by UNESCO and the European Association for National Music and Culture. Tian Yang won the Gold Award for Piano Soloist Masters;
Second place in the piano solo group of the Serbia Belgrade International Music Competition, jointly organized by the Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Telecommunications, and MIR Media Center of the Republic of Serbia;
Second place in the Piano Performers Group at the 1st Brussels International Music Competition in Belgium;
The second place in the piano solo group of the First Russian Outstanding Artists Music Competition was jointly organized by Moscow Artists Concert Agency, World Outstanding Talent Organization in New York, Russian Piano Studio Group, Russian Salon Concert Hall Group, St. Petersburg Classic Studio in Russia, and Italian Radio;
In 2016, he won second place in the master group of the 26th Chopin International Piano Competition in Rome, Italy. This competition was jointly organized by the Italian Congress of Rensco, the Chopin Cultural Association of Italy, and the International Cuomo Foundation.
In 2015, he won the second place in the professional master group of the Rome Youth Academy Award Piano Grand Prix, jointly organized by the European Commission, the government of the Lazio region in Italy, and the Romana Conservatory of Music in Italy.
In 2011, he won the second prize in the Youth Group and Chinese Works Group I of the 16th Hong Kong Asia Piano Open.
In 2007, he won the first prize in the finals of the third Steinway National Youth Piano Competition China (Northeast Division).
In 2021, he/she was nominated for the top five in the final of the Nomina International Piano Competition in Italy.
Received the "Top Ten Piano Instructors Award" at the 9th Tusdorff International Piano Competition in 2021.
Received the Teacher Guidance Award at the International Classical Music Instrumental Performance Competition in 2021.
The Piano Group Teacher's Guidance Award at the 2020 Northern Sweden International Music Competition.
2022- Romania International Arts and Music Festival Competition, Piano Teacher Guidance Award.
2022- Italy's Vivan International Classical Music and Music Festival Competition, Teacher Guidance Award.
2022- Spanish Color of the Sun International Classical Music Art Festival Competition, Piano Teacher Guidance Award.
2023- UK International Classical Music Competition - Piano Teacher Guidance Award.
2023- Piano Teacher Guidance Award at the International Classical Music Feast in the United States.
2023- New York International Music Competition - Piano Teacher Guidance Award.
Received the second prize for piano and chamber music at the International Four Seasons Classical Music Competition in Vienna, Austria in 2024 (the first prize is vacant)
Concert to be held on May 26, 2024 at the Bessendorf Hall in Vienna
2013年赴德国跟随德国钢琴家、德国人民研究基金会奖学金持有者、威廉·肯普夫的关门弟子、并在国际上享有“最后一位贝多芬”美誉的曼弗雷德·福克学习钢琴。博士学习期间又同时跟随德国汉堡国立音乐与戏剧大学教授Ralf Nattkemper 学习钢琴。
2018年考入意大利“Incontri col Maestro in Imola”大师班的学习,期间跟随钢琴家弗朗科·斯卡拉学习钢琴。
2019年考入意大利“International Piano Academy Como”钢琴学院大师班的学习,期间跟随俄罗斯籍钢琴大师德米特里·巴什基罗夫学习钢琴。
在多场国际钢琴大赛中累积的丰富演奏经验让田洋在更大的舞台上展现闪耀着卓越光华的钢琴家自我。田洋的钢琴演奏音乐会遍布欧洲多国及城市,她曾在意大利著名历史遗迹S.Giovanni Battista演奏了梅西安的《对圣婴——耶稣的二十凝视》,并且获得观众热烈反响。
著名钢琴大师Marcella Crudeli对她的评价:“田洋的演奏不光拥有完美技术,还迸发着对音乐的热情和活力!”
田洋教授的学生考入国内外多所知名大学——德国卡塞尔艺术学院、德国舒曼音乐学院、德国海德堡艺术大学、法国里昂国立高等音乐学院、法国贝桑松国立音乐学院、西班牙巴塞罗那高等音乐学院 、奥地利维也纳音乐及艺术市立大学、俄罗斯圣彼得堡师范大学、沈阳音乐学院、上海音乐学院、四川音乐学院、广西师范大学等。
2017年赴德国跟随俄罗斯籍德国钢琴 Elena·Sukmanova(伊莲娜,苏克曼诺娃)学习钢琴。
2021年考入并参加意大利“Incontri col Maestro in Imola”大师班的学习,期间跟随钢琴家 Franco Scala(弗朗科·斯卡拉)学习钢琴。
2022年考入并参加意大利“International Piano Academy Como”钢琴学院大师班的学习,期间跟随俄罗斯籍钢琴大师Dmitri Bashkirov(德米特里·巴什基罗夫)学习钢琴。
first album
·CD发售于2023年,收录了Tian Duo精彩的演奏
Received submissions from classical music creators year-round,providing international composition exchange platforms,international publishers,international musicians,and electronic music platforms.